#SpotOnMaliMusic Petit Goro
De ce son vraie nom ousmane Goro, alias petit goro est un artiste, chanteur, auteur, compositeur, administrateur des arts et cultures. A travers sa voix d’or, il puise ses thèmes musicaux dans sa culture dogon … Petit Goro valorise les couleurs du drapeau malien dans les 4 coins du monde.
Le timbre de sa voix rehausse l’amour qu’il porte à la terre de ses aïeux. Petit goro est un jeune artiste qui incite sa génération à la promotion de leur propre culture notamment le mali dans sa composante dogon. C’est à travers le RAP qu’il trace son chemin. De fil en aiguille il fut ses premiers essais en 1999 et sort son premier album en 2003.
Ousmane à un genre très particulier inspiré du folklore dogon. Il est un fervent fan du reggae et dis aimer le reggae d’Alpha Blondy .
Actuellement il a 4 albums sur le marché, le jeune talent évoque certains aspects de la société qui sont : l’exode des filles, le mariage forcé, les problèmes socio-économiques.
From his real name, Goro, aka Petit Goro, is an artist, singer, author, composer, administrator of arts and cultures. Through his golden voice, he draws his musical themes from his Dogon culture ... Petit Goro values the colors of the Malian flag in the four corners of the world.
The tone of his voice enhances his love for the land of his ancestors. Petit goro is a young artist who encourages his generation to promote their own culture including the mali in its Dogon component. It is through the RAP that he traces his path. He was his first test in 1999 and released his first album in 2003.
Ousmane has a very particular genre inspired by Dogon folklore. He is a fervent fan of reggae and likes to love the reggae of Alpha Blondy. Currently he has 4 albums on the market, the young talent evokes certain aspects of society that are: the exodus of girls, forced marriage, socio-economic problems.